Digital Day of Action

TODAY, Tuesday, February 17, is a Digital Day of Action to tell our legislators that we want a hearing on the two bills to raise the minimum wage in Indiana (SB41 & SB160). Wednesday, February 18 is the deadline to request a hearing. If we are able to get a hearing in the Senate Pensions & Labor Committee, we will be able to get low-wage workers, business owners and members of the community a chance to testify in favor of raising the wage in Indiana.


Here’s what you can do to spread the word on the Digital Day of Action:

  1. Share the info graphic on social media with this text:
    • "Take a moment to contact your state legislators TODAY and ask for a hearing on the minimum wage bills. Deadline to set hearing is tomorrow! #RaisetheWageIN."
  2. Tweet throughout the day the following messages:
    • “We Can’t Survive on $7.25! Take action today to #RaisetheWageIN. Call the comm. chairperson and ask for a hearing on the minimum wage bills. Senator Philip Boots 317-234-9054
    • “Low wages hurt Indiana families. Call Senator Philip Boots and ask for a hearing on the min wage bills. 317-234-9054. #RaisetheWageIN”
    • “Tomorrow is the last day to get a hearing on SB 41 & SB160, bills to #RaisetheWageIN Indiana. Call Senator Boots, the comm. Chairperson today and ask for a hearing! 317-234-9054.
  3. Send an email or call members of the Senate Pensions and Labor Committee (numbers and emails on info graphic). Ask them to hold a hearing on SB41 & SB160 so that members of the committee can hear from low wage workers who desperately need a raise in the minimum wage. Share a personal story about why you feel we need to raise the wage in Indiana.
  4. Share this email right now with everyone in your network or organization! Collectively we can make an impact and send a message that Indiana working families can’t survive on $7.25!

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