


What is Moral Mondays?

Moral Mondays refers to a burgeoning mass movement, led by Rev. William Barber, the president of NAACP North Carolina, that had its roots in efforts to defend voter rights in the state. The initial civil disobedience protest by 17 faith leaders at the state house on moral grounds around voter rights took place on a Monday. After the 17 were arrested, more protesters came on Mondays, growing to the hundreds and thousands. On February, 2014, over 80,000 protesters marched in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Thousands of activists have been mobilizing across the South over the last year - inspired by North Carolina Moral Mondays. They are also fighting back against draconian efforts to destroy the right of people to vote, workers' rights and women's rights, and for progressive policies in general.

Moral Mondays began as the annual  Historic Thousands on Jones Street Peoples' Assembly (HKonJ) in 2006 to promote progressive politics in North Carolina. Originally a coalition of 16 organizations, initiated by the state's NAACP, it has grown to include 150 organizations today promoting a multi-issue agenda. In 2006, its task was to pressure the state's Democratic politicians to expand voting rights and support progressive legislation on a variety of fronts. 

Who is Indiana Moral Mondays?

We are a broad and diverse statewide coalition that is inspired by the North Carolina Moral Mondays Movement and committed to making change TOGETHER in Indiana.



The statewide steering committee members are:

, Indianapolis
, Evansville
, Gary
, Indianapolis
, Indianapolis
, South Bend
, Indianapolis
, Indianapolis
, Evansville
, Terre Haute
, Indianapolis
, Indianapolis
, Indianapolis
, Indianapolis
, Lafayette 
, Lafayette
, Indianapolis
, Bloomington
, Lafayette
Committee Leads are:
1. Equal Justice — Byron Ratcliffe
2. Economic Justice — Yin Kyi
3. Education Equality — Diana Daniels and Harry Targ
4. Healthcare for All — Sheila Rosenthal
5. Voting Rights — Cheryl Laux
6. Environmental Justice and Sustainability — Matt Skuya-Boss

To become a coalition partner organization, fill out this membership form.  

Partner organizations that have signed on to Indiana Moral Mondays are:

ACLU of Indiana (Greater Lafayette Chapter)
AFSCME Local 2601
AFSCME Local 3395 (Marion Co. Library Workers
AFSCME Local 3730
AFT Indiana
American Friends Service Committee
American Income Life OPEIU 277
ATU Local 1070
Central Indiana Chapter of CBTU(Coalition Of Black Trade Union)
Central Indiana Jobs With Justice
Central Indiana Labor Council
Church of the Good Sheppard
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Common Cause IN
Community Forum for Economic Development
Community, Faith & Labor Coalition
Concerned Clergy
Earth Charter Indiana
Families Anchored in Harmony CDC: Gary
First Unitarian Universalist Congregation Terre Haute
Fight For $15 Indianapolis
Hoosiers for Common Sense Health Plan
IKORCC-IN/KY/OH Council of Carpenters
Imani Unidad, Inc
Indiana NOW
Indiana Religious Coalition for Reproductive Justice
Indiana State Association of Letter Carriers
Indiana State Conference NAACP
Indiana Undocumented Youth Alliance
Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center
Indy Feminists
Initiative for NW Indiana (INWIN)
Keystone Pledge of Resistance
Lafayette Area Peace Coalition
League of Women Voters of Indiana
Let's MOVE Michiana
Martin Luther King Jr. Senior Men's Club
Millwright Local 1076
Move to Amend
National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 39
National Association of Social Workers
National Council on Educating Black Children
National Education Association: South Bend
North Central IN AFL-CIO
Northwest Central Labor Council
Organizing for Action
PFLAG Indianapolis
Progressive Community Church
Rebuild the Dream-Lafayette
SEIU Healthcare IL/IN/MO/KS
SEIU Local 1
Sisters of St. Francis
Southwest Indiana Greens (SWIG)
St. Joe Valley Project: Jobs With Justice
Transform Action Power (TAP)
The Carmel Beet
Trinity UCC-Gary
Tri-State Jobs With Justice
UAW Indiana State
UAW Local 23 Retirees
UAW Local 933
UAW Local 933 Retirees
Unitarian Universalist Church of West Lafayette
Warehouse Workers for Justice
Yes We Can-Tippecanoe

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